Keys: Bariatric, Foregut, Hernia, Colorectal, HPB, Flexible Endoscopy, Acute Care, Robotics, DEI, Advocacy, COI, Pediatrics, Guidelines, Community Practice, Leadership, Ethics, Education, Image Based Guidance
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
VL01 Video Loop Lounge (Non-CME)
Accepted Video Abstracts
SAGES Military Symposium: International Missions: From Humanitarian Surgery to Global Health Engagement
Session Chair: Andrew Schlussel | Session Co-Chair: Tamara Worlton
More than 5 billion people lack adequate access to surgical care around the globe. Many surgeons want to become more involved in addressing these disparities. The panel (session) will define and discuss humanitarian surgery, academic global surgery, global surgery training programs, surgical non-governmental organizations and finally, global health engagement (GHE) which is DoD specific.
In efforts to improve the physical, mental, and social-well-being of people throughout the world, global health engagements have become a rapidly growing interest for physicians. Surgeons have often taken the lead role in these endeavors, and the Department of Defense has the unique ability to touch the lives of so many international communities. This session will highlight both general surgery research and its application to humanitarian care and global health; as well as familiarize surgeons with the full spectrum of global health engagement from a military perspective, academics, and life on the ground in challenging situations.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize various approaches to addressing surgical disparities.
- Develop contacts in various organizations for trainees and surgeons to utilize to get involved.
- Foster the education of Military surgeons through surgical research and its application to worldwide care.
8:00 AM Introduction
8:10 AM General Surgery Presentations
9:40 AM Break
10:00 AM Global Health Engagement and Humanitarian Surgery Presentations
11:30 AM Awards
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM What Global Health Surgery Means to Me
3:00 PM Q&A
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Scientific Sessions:
SS01 Bariatric I
SS02 Foregut
SS03 Hernia
SS04 Colorectal
SS05 Acute Care
SS06 New Technology (Non-CME)
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
Masters Colorectal: Mastering Anastomosis Creation & Management (SAGES/EAES)
Colorectal, Robotics, Image Based Guidance
Session Chair: Sami Chadi | Session Co-Chair: Nader Francis
The session is designed to provide attendees evidence-based and technical recommendations for minimally invasive techniques to anastomotic creation and management of intra-operative challenges, as well as postoperative complications. Attendees will be provided with a summary of the latest evidence in the area of anastomotic creation and complication management. Additionally, they will be introduced to tips and tricks from experts to optimize their success in performing or incorporating these techniques in their practice.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Obtain a technical understanding of the creation of intracorporeal anastomoses in minimally invasive colon surgery.
- Understand the evidence behind various anastomotic creations.
- Understand the evidence for and how to optimize pelvic anastomosis as well as technical pearls to managing challenges and complications.
10:00 AM Introduction
10:02 AM Anastomotic Orientation and Intracorporeal Creation – An Evidence Overview for Optimization
10:17 AM Laparoscopic Isoperistaltic and Antiperistaltic – A Step by Step Approach
10:29 AM Robotic Intracorporeal Anastomosis – A Step by Step Approach
10:41 AM Anastomotic Creation and Optimization – What is the Evidence
10:53 AM How to Optimize My Pelvic Anastomotic Outcomes – A Technical Review
11:05 AM It Won’t Reach? Techniques to Optimize Length and Reach in Pelvic Anastomosis
11:17 AM Abdominal Approaches to Anastomotic Salvage – Technical Approaches to Early and Late Complications
11:29 AM Transanal Approaches to Anastomotic Salvage – Technical Approaches to Early and Late Complications
11:41 AM Panel Discussion
Endoluminal Approaches for the Foregut Surgeon
Foregut, Advocacy
Session Chair: Natan Zundel | Session Co-Chair: Mohammed Al-Haddad
This session aims to educate the practicing surgeon and endoscopist on novel endoluminal, minimally invasive approaches for common foregut interventions. This includes endoscopic based approaches for the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease, obesity and post bariatric surgery complications. The session aims to present to the foregut surgeon the tools to build a sustainable endoluminal practice.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Assess the expanding role of flexible endoscopic based therapies in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and obesity and obesity.
- Discuss the various needs and challenges to establish and sustain an endoluminal foregut practice.
- Compare the evidence supporting endoscopic vs. laparoscopic approaches in managing gastroesophageal reflux disease and obesity.
10:00 AM The Endoscopist to the Rescue: Managing Complications in Bariatric Surgery
10:12 AM Innovations in Bariatric Endoscopy: The Merit Trial
10:24 AM Thinking Outside the Box: ESG for Class III Obesity?
10:36 AM TIF 2.0 and Beyond-Endoscopic Anti Reflux at its Best
10:48 AM The Alphabet of Endoscopic GERD Management: TIF, MUSE, ARMS, and Beyond
11:00 AM Endoscopic vs Laparoscopy Anti-Reflux Approach: Challenges and Opportunities
11:12 AM Practice Management Toolbox: Billing and Coding Primer for the Foregut Endoluminal Surgeon
11:24 AM Q&A
12:00 PM Session End
Is it Time to Switch to the Switch?
Bariatrics, Advocacy
Session Chair: Carlos Galvani | Session Co-Chair: Talar Tejirian
For bariatric surgeons, general surgeons or any surgeon interested in the latest information about the duodenal switch, this session is a must. Come learn everything you have ever wanted to know about the duodenal switch: from the history of the original operation to the current emerging switch techniques to maximizing reimbursement. This session will not disappoint!
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Differentiate various techniques of the duodenal switch operation and how they have evolved over time.
- Identify the best surgical candidates for duodenal switch operations.
- Recognize the limitations and potential complications for the duodenal switch operations.
- Select the best methods to maximize reimbursement for performing duodenal switch operations.
10:00 AM Made By History: The Duodenal Switch Then and Now (Historical Perspective)
10:12 AM Is the D-Switch Finally Worth it? (PRO RNY)
10:24 AM State of the Stomp: Do I Need a Loop-Switch on My Pedalboard? (PRO SADIS)
10:36 AM If You Vote for Switching: Who’s Your Candidate? (Primary vs Revision)
10:48 AM A Beginner’s Guide to Switches; Switch Version 1 vs Version 2: a. RNY DS (Video/Surgical Technique, Tips and Tricks)
10:55 AM A Beginner’s Guide to Switches; Switch Version 1 vs Version 2: b. Loop DS (Video/Surgical Technique, Tips and Tricks)
11:02 AM 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Switch to a Switch (Non-10-Da-Switch)
11:14 AM You Mean I Can Get Paid to Do This?!?
11:26 AM Q&A
The Perfect Hernia Repair – Pearls and Pitfalls
Hernia, Image Based Guidance
Session Chair: Melissa Phillips | Session Co-Chair: Jeffrey Blatnik
This is a video based session designed for the minimally invasive surgeon to discuss the “ideal” hernia repair. This session will focus on the routine treatment of ventral, inguinal, and unique location hernias. Videos detailing the “perfect” repair will be presented followed by the more complicated scenario with panel discussants of management options.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Compare surgical techniques for different hernia repairs with the goal of distinguishing what makes a ‘perfect’ repair.
- Formulate algorithm for management of the challenging hernia when encountered.
- Appraise surgical videos and approaches to determine what “best practices” are applicable to your hernia repair.
10:00 AM The Perfect MIS Inguinal Hernia Repair – Video Presenter
10:10 AM Panel Discussion
10:20 AM The Challenging Inguinal Hernia Repair – Faculty
10:25 AM Panel Discussion
10:35 AM The Perfect MIS Ventral Hernia Repair – Video Presenter
10:45 AM Panel Discussion
10:55 AM The Challenging Ventral Hernia Repair – Faculty
11:00 AM Panel Discussion
11:10 AM The Perfect MIS ‘Oddball’ Hernia Repair – Video Presenter
11:20 AM Panel Discussion
11:30 AM The Challenging ‘Oddball’ Hernia Repair – Faculty
11:35 AM Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Scientific Sessions: SS7 HPB Quickshot
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
CBDE: Who, How and Where?
HPB, Community Practice, Education
Session Chair: Ezra Teitelbaum | Session Co-Chair: Kevin El-Hayek
Despite Level-1 evidence that laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) results in superior patient outcomes when compared with ERCP, LCBDE remains a vastly underutilized treatment for patients with choledocholithiasis. This session will focus on preoperative patient evaluation and operative technique for transcystic LCBDE. We will also discuss how to start an LCBDE program, as well as approaches to patients with altered anatomy and large CBD stones.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Interpret an intraoperative cholangiogram (IOC) with attention to determining feasibility of transcystic laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE).
- Understand the indications for and steps of transcystic LCBDE using a flexible choledochoscope.
- Develop a plan for treating choledocholithiasis in a patient with a prior Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
- Understand the role of lithotripsy as an adjunct during transcystic LCBDE.
- Plan the development of a hospital-wide LCBDE program
11:00 AM The Foundation of CBDE: Performing and Interpreting IOC
11:08 AM Lap Transcystic CBDE: Patient Selection and How I Do It
11:20 AM But They Had a Roux! Dealing with CBD Stones After Gastric Bypass
11:30 AM No Stone Too Large: Lithotripsy during CBDE
11:38 AM Team, Tech, Training: How to Start Doing LCBDE at Your Hospital
11:50 AM Q&A
The 17th Annual SAGES Foundation Awards Luncheon (Non-CME)
This annual ticketed event celebrates and honors distinguished leaders in minimally invasive surgery. Proceeds benefit the SAGES Foundation and its mission to advance endoscopic, laparoscopic, and emerging minimal access surgical methods and patient care. The 2023 Awards Luncheon features awards and research grants presented to outstanding surgeons and educators for their work in minimally invasive surgery and raises funds to keep patient safety and surgical innovation in the forefront.
How to RSVP: To become an event sponsor, purchase individual tickets, tables, or virtual ads, please contact the Foundation office at (310) 347-0544, ext. 114 or Individual tickets are $195 each and tables of eight are available for $1,750. Since this event benefits the SAGES Foundation, a portion of your purchase is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Note: After February 17, 2023 a late registration fee will apply as follows: individual tickets will be $205 and tables of eight will be $1,850.
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Awards Ceremony
ADOPT Hands-On Course: Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch
Bariatrics, Robotics
Session Chair: Shaina Eckhouse | Session Co-Chair: Candice Chipman
In this hands-on course, participants will have the opportunity to review anatomy and technical considerations relevant to the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS). The hands-on course will afford the opportunity to perform either a laparoscopic or robotic BPD-DS with focus on surgical technique building on the foundation that participants are able to perform a sleeve gastrectomy. The course will also include sessions reviewing patient selection and post-operative considerations. This course aims to provide surgeons the tools to confidently incorporate BPD-DS into their practice.
After the hands-on session, our mentorship continues through the year-long program with ongoing group virtual webinars to share experiences, give advice, and improve adoption rates of the new procedure in a safe and supportive environment.
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor Continuing Medical Education for physicians.
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) designates this Other (live, internet enduring, and live internet) CME activity for a maximum of 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Each participant in the hands-on course will have the opportunity to learn:
- Duodenal dissection
- Duodeno-ileostomy
- Ileo-ileostomy
- Robotic running of the small bowel from the ileocecal valve
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Review best practices on how to safely perform minimally invasive BPD-DS, laparoscopically or robotically.
- Utilize a year-long mentor-mentee relationship with an expert BPD-DS surgeon for continued guidance.
- Review different techniques to perform BPD-DS.
- Employ various strategies to safely perform BPD-DS as a primary or revisional bariatric surgery.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:35 PM Lab Details
1:40 PM Computer Presentation for Preoperative Care of a BPD-DS Patient
1:50 PM Computer Presentation for Postoperative Care of a BPD-DS Patient
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Hands-On Lab
MIS Opportunities for Emergencies in Colorectal Surgery
Colorectal, Hernia, Acute Care
Session Chair: Nawar Alkhamesi | Session Co-Chair: Laila Rashidi
This session is focusing on the utilization of minimally invasive techniques and technologies in the management of colorectal emergencies. It promotes the safe use of MIS and encourages surgeons to adopt it in their practice. Discussion during this session will be applicable to general, acute care, and colorectal surgeons.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Appraise technical approaches, decision making and options for the management of colorectal conditions in the acute care setting.
- Recognize the need for specific approaches and alternative adjuncts to manage colorectal emergencies and how to implement them on a case by case approach.
- Illustrate and describe methods for treatment of colorectal emergencies in specific scenarios.
1:30 PM Minimally Invasive Approach for the Management of Complicated Diverticular Disease
1:42 PM Emergency Minimally Invasive Management of Large Bowel Obstruction
1:54 PM Minimally Invasive Management of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in the Acute Care Setting
2:06 PM Minimally Invasive Approach to Small Bowel Obstruction and Intestinal Volvulus in the Acute Care Setting
2:18 PM Emergency Minimally Invasive Management of Anastomotic Leak and Post-Colonoscopy Perforation
2:30 PM Minimally Invasive Approach to Stoma Creation, Complications and Parastomal Hernia
2:42 PM Q&A
Conquering Bariatric Disasters
Session Chair: Tammy Kindel | Session Co-Chair: Rana Pullat
This is a video-based education session for surgeons who perform bariatric/metabolic surgery. Surgeons will walk through disastrous case scenarios and how they maneuvered and responded to these challenging intra-operative events.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Prepare for a difficult revision to minimize the changes of intra-operative surprises.
- Acutely respond to intra-operative hemorrhage during metabolic/bariatric surgery.
- Assess and respond to unexpected intraoperative anatomy during metabolic/bariatric surgery.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:32 PM Disaster 1
1:43 PM Disaster 2
1:54 PM Disaster 3
2:05 PM Disaster 4
2:16 PM Disaster 5 – Video Submission
2:27 PM Disaster 6 – Video Submission
2:38 PM Disaster 7 – Video Submission
2:49 PM Q&A
Crafting a Fulfilling Career with Retirement in Mind
Leadership, DEI, Community Practice
Session Chair: David Rattner | Session Co-Chair: Daniel Jones
After being in practice for a few years, many surgeons wonder what options exist for greater satisfaction and frequently wonder if the grass is greener “on the other side.” This session will discuss different career choices to consider as you enter mid-life. This session will also provide insights on how to ensure you are prepared for the day that you walk away from surgery and into a comfortable and happy retirement.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate the pros and cons of taking on leadership roles above and beyond their surgical practice.
- Identify key activities to perform in their middle decades that will help create a secure and interesting life in retirement.
- Appraise career opportunities outside of the clinical setting.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:35 PM The Prices and Perks of Leadership Positions – Are They Right for You?
1:50 PM Happiness and Fulfillment Beyond the Ivory Tower
2:05 PM ‘I wish I Had Known This When I was Forty!’
2:20 PM The Impact of Race and Gender Identity on Career Satisfaction
2:35 PM Discussion
Updates in Abdominal Core Health
Hernia, DEI, Guidelines
Session Chair: Arielle Perez | Session Co-Chair: Benjamin Poulose
Abdominal core health is more than just hernias – it encompasses the stability and function of the abdominal core, the associated quality of life, as well as diseases involving the abdominal wall (i.e. hernia, benign and malignant tumors, and rectus diastasis). Maintaining abdominal core health includes physical therapy, disease prevention, surgical intervention, and medical treatment. This session aims to provide a broad range of up to date information for surgeons and health care providers to address issues relating to abdominal core health.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate functional (pulmonary, pelvic) improvements from abdominal wall reconstruction.
- Assess benefits of incorporating physical therapy in abdominal core health.
- Describe principles of abdominal wall tumor management.
1:30 PM What’s the Latest in Abdominal Core Health?
1:40 PM Can Repairing the Abdominal Wall Improve Pelvic and Pulmonary Function?
1:55 PM Principles of Abdominal Wall Tumor Management
2:10 PM Management of Rectus Diastasis and Hernias in Women of Child Bearing Age
2:25 PM Physical Therapy in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
2:40 PM Guidelines for Closure of Abdominal Wall Incisions
2:50 PM Q&A
Leak Here; Leak There; Leaks Everywhere
Colorectal, Acute Care
Session Chair: Jeffrey Marks | Session Co-Chair: Patricia Sylla
This session will provide an overview of the management of leaks and fistulae in the GI tract including esophageal, gastric (sleeve, RYNGB), colonic, and rectal. Endoscopic, surgical, and radiologic approaches to these disease processes will be discussed.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Create an appropriate management strategy for a postoperative GI leak of the colon.
- Recognize the limitations of endoscopic therapy for GI fistulae.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:35 PM Sepsis Control for Small Bowel and Colorectal Leaks – Considerations and Best Practices
1:45 PM Sepsis Control for Gastric and Esophageal Leaks
1:55 PM Endoscopic Management in Acute and Chronic SB and Colorectal Sinus and Fistulas
2:05 PM Endoscopic Management in Acute and Chronic Gastric and Esophageal Leaks and Fistulas
2:15 PM The Long Game – When All has Failed for SB and Colorectal Leaks
2:25 PM The Long Game – When All has Failed for Gastric and Esophageal Leaks
2:35 PM Q&A
Heller vs POEM Debate
Foregut, Guidelines, Advocacy
Session Chair: Michael Ujiki| Session Co-Chair: Kevin Reavis
This session will debate the latest data on POEM v Heller and where POEM fits in current and future guidelines for the treatment of achalasia and hypercontractile disorders. There will also be a talk on advocacy and billing for POEM. This session is meant for anyone who treats patients with diseases of the foregut.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Articulate the long-term data for both POEM and Heller myotomy, including postoperative GERD and remission rates, and where POEM fits in guidelines for the treatment of achalasia.
- Plan the treatment for a patient with hyper contractile esophageal disorder employing either POEM or Heller myotomy after medical management fails.
- Advocate for patients who would benefit from a POEM procedure.
3:30 PM Introduction to Session and First Debate
3:35 PM Debate #1: Now That We Have Long-Term Data, POEM is Best and Should be First-Line in Guidelines on the Treatment of Achalasia
3:45 PM Debate #1: Now That We Have Long-Term Data, Heller is Best and Should be First-Line in Guidelines on the Treatment of Achalasia
3:55 PM Debate #1: Rebuttal 1
3:57 PM Debate #1: Rebuttal 2
3:59 PM Introduction to Debate #2
4:04 PM Debate #2: Heller is Best and Should be First-Line in the Guidelines for the Treatment of Esophageal Hypercontractility
4:14 PM Debate #2: POEM is Best and Should be First-Line in the Guidelines for the Treatment of Esophageal Hypercontractility
4:24 PM Debate #2: Rebuttal 1
4:26 PM Debate #2: Rebuttal 2
4:28 PM Poll on Debate #2 and Introduction to Talk on Advocacy
4:33 PM We Should Advocate for POEM and This is How!
4:43 PM Q&A
Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K): All Things Hernia
Hernia, Robotics
Session Chair: S. Scott Davis Jr. | Session Co-Chair: Jacob Greenberg
A fresh spin on typical surgery meeting sessions! Please join our Expert Panel who will interact with presenters showing minimally edited video from cornerstone modern hernia operations. The video will play, and the panel and presenter will interact off script to point out technical tips and nuances that attendees can learn to improve their conduction of these surgeries, or to begin to learn to do them. The goal is a fun (and funny!) interaction between surgeons watching surgery on video, something we all love to do!
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Learn patient selection, approach selection, and technical tips for Open Inguinal Hernia Repair (Shouldice Technique).
- Learn patient selection, approach selection, and technical tips for laparoscopic Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh technique (IPOM).
- Learn patient selection, approach selection, and technical tips for laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia repair (TEP).
- Learn patient selection, approach selection, and technical tips for extended Totally Extraperitoneal ventral hernia repair (eTEP).
- Learn patient selection, approach selection, and technical tips for robotic Transerve Abdominis Release ventral hernia repair (rTAR).
3:30 PM Video: Open Inguinal Hernia Repair (Shouldice Technique)
3:46 PM Video: Laparoscopic Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh repair of Ventral Hernia (IPOM)
4:02 PM Video: Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair
4:28 PM Video: Robotic Ventral Hernia Repair with Transversus Abdominis Release (rTAR)
4:44 PM Robotic Ventral Hernia Repair – Extended Totally Extraperitoneal Technique (eTEP)
Take Care of Yourself So You Can Take Care of Your Patients (SAGES/Society of Surgical Ergonomics)
Robotics, Education
Session Chair: Andrew Wright | Session Co-Chair: Geeta Lal
More than 3/4 of surgeons report significant musculoskeletal pain and injury stemming from their work. This hidden epidemic has major implications for surgeon health, well-being, quality of life, and career longevity. In this session we will discuss practical tips for the practicing surgeon including laparoscopic, robotic, open, and endoscopic surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the ergonomic issues faced by surgeons.
- Employ new ergonomic strategies for open, laparoscopic, robotic, and endoscopic surgery.
- Integrate best practices for better ergonomics into surgical programs.
3:30 PM Surgeons in Pain: The Hidden Pandemic
3:42 PM The Operating Room is a Hazardous Place: Practical Tips for Open Surgery
3:54 PM Laparoscopic Surgery: A Means of Transferring Pain from the Patient to the Surgeon?
4:06 PM Is the Robot Really Any Better Ergonomically? Set Yourself Up for Success
4:18 PM Prehab Isn’t Just for Patients – How to Prepare Yourself to Avoid Injury or Rehab After One
4:30 PM Q&A
Gearing Up for Same Day Discharge Following Colorectal Surgery – Reality or Wishful Thinking?
Colorectal, DEI
Session Chair: Elisabeth McLemore | Session Co-Chair: Lawrence Lee
Same-day discharge (SDD) programs for colorectal surgery may optimize the use of healthcare resources and improve recovery. This session will describe the implementation process for SDD.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate the available data supporting SDD.
- Identify the necessary elements for a successful SDD program.
3:30 PM Introduction
3:35 PM Brief Overview of the Evidence
3:47 PM What is the Benefit for the Hospital?
3:59 PM How Do Patients Benefit?
4:11 PM How to Choose Your Patients for SDD?
4:23 PM Transitioning from ERP to SDD
4:35 PM Can I Do This by Myself?
4:47 PM Panel Discussion
Minimally Invasive Approaches and Acute Care Surgery: A New Paradigm?
Acute Care, Robotics, Hernia
Session Chair: Maria Altieri | Session Co-Chair: Caroline Reinke
The greatest advantages of laparoscopy when compared to open surgery include the faster recovery times, shorter hospital stays, better patient satisfaction due to decreased pain and improved cosmesis, among many other benefits. Laparoscopy today has been adopted by many fields of surgery and is considered the gold standard of care for several procedures. Despite that, laparoscopy and minimally invasive approaches are still considered challenging and often not recommended for some acute care surgery procedures.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the penetration of minimally invasive techniques in acute care surgery.
- Illustrate examples of procedures where minimally invasive approaches have good outcomes.
- Use videos to describe examples of these procedures.
3:30 PM Minimally Invasive Surgical Management of an Incarcerated Hernia
3:40 PM Small Bowel Obstruction – Do You Have to Open Them Up?
3:50 PM Robotic Utilization and Acute Care Surgery: When and How?
4:00 PM Minimally Invasive Approaches in the Pregnant Patient
4:10 PM Video Presentation 1
4:20 PM Video Presentation 2
4:30 PM Video Presentation 3
4:40 PM Q&A
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Opening Session – Welcome Ceremony (Non-CME)
We encourage everyone to attend the opening session and welcome ceremony where the highlights for the conference and SAGES updates will be presented.
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Exhibits Opening Welcome Reception (Non-CME)
Complimentary to all paid registrants & guests.
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
VL02 Video Loop Lounge (Non-CME)
Accepted Video Abstracts
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Scientific Sessions:
SS08 Bariatric Quickshot I
SS09 Foregut Quickshot
SS10 Hernia Quickshot
SS11 Colorectal Quickshot
SS12 HPB Video
SS13 Potpourri Quickshot
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
9:00 AM – 9:45 AM
Keynote: Gerald Marks Lecture – The Role of Digital for a Healthier World
Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram

Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram FRCS (Plast), BEM, is the CEO and Founder of Proximie, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Director of Clinical Innovation and Strategic Partnerships at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London, UK, and Co-Managing Partner of KHP Ventures.
Growing up in post-war Lebanon was a formative experience, shaping her future career not just as a surgeon, but as an entrepreneur. Her initial motivation to help people grew into a wider goal to help bring safe surgery to the world. In 2016, she created Proximie, a software platform that enables physicians to virtually ‘scrub in’ to any operating room from anywhere around the globe.
Her TED Talk titled ‘How Augmented Reality Could Change the Future of Surgery’ has had 1.3 million views, and she received a British Empire Medal from the Queen for her innovative work within the fields of surgery and medicine. Bloomberg named Dr. Nadine one of their New Economy 2022 “Catalysts”, “a distinctive global group of breakthrough innovators, visionaries, scientists, policymakers and entrepreneurs, who are inventing possibilities for a more inclusive and prosperous world.”
She has been selected as an Endeavor entrepreneur, and was listed as one of the ‘Groundbreakers 2021: 50 Women Changing the World’ by Worth Magazine in 2021. She is also a council member of the Royal College of Surgeons Future of
Surgery Commission, and the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) Innovation UK, and part of the Royal Society of Medicine Plastic Surgery Section.
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Exhibits / Learning Center in Exhibit Hall (Non-CME)
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Scientific Session: SS16 Exhibit Hall Theater Session 1 (Non-CME)
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Scientific Sessions:
SS14 Quality Improvement Quickshot
SS15 Education Quickshot
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
How I Do the Perfect Bariatric Operation (SAGES/ASMBS)
Bariatrics, Robotics
Session Chair: Teresa LaMasters | Session Co-Chair: Nabeel Obeid
Learn technical pearls and pitfalls of bariatric procedures with video based cases and discussion. Experts will demonstrate important technical details of common bariatric operations to optimize outcomes.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify key technical steps to common bariatric procedures.
- Compare different techniques for key steps of bariatric procedures.
- Implement strategies to avoid complications for common procedures.
10:00 AM Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
10:07 AM Q&A
10:10 AM Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: An Anatomy Based Approach
10:17 AM Q&A
10:20 AM Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy
10:27 AM Q&A
10:30 AM Robotic RYGB
10:37 AM Q&A
10:40 AM Laparoscopic RYGB with Circular Stapled GJ
10:47 AM Q&A
10:50 AM Laparoscopic SADI-S
10:57 AM Q&A
Diverticulitis & Appendicitis: When Do We Get to Operate?
Colorectal, Guidelines, DEI
Session Chair: Marylise Boutros | Session Co-Chair: Giana Davidson
Appendicitis and diverticulitis remain two of the most common conditions treated by general and colorectal surgeons. Recent clinical trials incorporating patient reported outcomes support both operative and non-operative treatment strategies leading to a need for better patient selection for each treatment option and improved shared decision-making tools. This session will update attendees on recent clinical trial results for appendicitis and diverticulitis, discuss novel approaches for shared decision making, and include a patient-stakeholder and surgeon expert panel.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the risks of each treatment option for appendicitis for patients with and without appendicolith and how this risk varies over time.
- Describe strategies to improve the effectiveness of communication regarding treatment decisions for patients and their caregivers in the emergency setting.
- Compare patients and surgeons perspectives of treatment ‘failure’
- Describe the evidence for medical management strategies for patients trying to avoid surgery for their diverticulitis.
10:00 AM Introduction
10:05 AM Appendicitis Case
10:10 AM Deep Dive Into the Evidence: Operative vs. Non-Operative Management of Acute Appendicitis (Including Appendicolith)
10:20 AM Shared Decision-making in the Emergency Setting (Appendicitis)
10:30 AM Diverticulitis Cases
10:35 AM Shared Decision-making in the Elective Setting (Diverticulitis)
10:45 AM Deep Dive Into the Evidence: Long-term Operative vs. Non-Operative Management for Recurrent Diverticulitis and Diverticulitis with Abscess
10:55 AM How Do We Introduce New Evidence for Nuanced Clinical Controversies Into Guidelines and Practice
11:05 AM A Glimpse Into the Patient Perspective
11:20 AM Surgeon Panel: How Do We Make Decisions
11:40 AM Q&A
Masters HPB: Difficult Gallbladders -Things Just Went from Bad to Worse
Session Chair: Eduardo Moreno-Paquentin | Session Co-Chair: Dana Telem
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy operative difficulty is highly variable and influences outcomes. A difficult cholecystectomy represents a stressful condition for surgeons which is followed by greater risk for various injuries (biliary, vascular etc.). How to best manage a difficult cholecystectomy, particularly when a critical view of safety cannot be attained, is a critical knowledge gap impacting learners and practicing surgeons. This session is designed for general surgeons and trainees who are interested in learning how to prevent the most feared complications from cholecystectomy. At the conclusion of this session participants should be familiar with the concept of a difficult cholecystectomy, how to approach a difficult case, and strategies to prevent major complications -basis of the culture of safe cholecystectomy.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the clinical scenario of a difficult cholecystectomy.
- Categorize the added surgical complications of a difficult cholecystectomy.
- Plan surgical strategies to prevent/avoid major complications (biliary/vascular).
- Prioritize the culture of Safe Cholecystectomy and the Critical View of Safety.
- Employ bail-out alternatives in a timely fashion.
10:00 AM When Should I Bail? Identifying When Attaining the Critical View of Safety is too High Risk
10:15 AM To Fenestrate or Not – A Pro/Con Debate – Faculty 1
10:25 AM To Fenestrate or Not – A Pro/Con Debate – Faculty 2
10:35 AM Bailout Maneuvers for Difficult Gallbladders
10:50 AM Intraoperative Imaging – Options When You Can’t Identify the Cystic Duct
11:05 AM Case Presentation and Discussion
12:00 PM Session End
Optimizing Outcomes for EVERY Hernia Patient
Hernia, DEI, Guidelines
Session Chair: Courtney Collins | Session Co-Chair: Abishek Parmar
As the US population becomes increasingly diverse, surgeons will have to understand how to achieve the best results in a variety of patient populations. This session will explore outcomes and barriers in underrepresented groups undergoing hernia repair. This session will also provide guidance into providing culturally competent care across a wide spectrum of patients undergoing hernia procedures.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe outcomes for underrepresented populations undergoing hernia repair (women, racial/ethnic minorities, the elderly, etc).
- Identify specific barriers along the care pathway for unique hernia patients.
- Recommend strategies for approaching underrepresented patient populations considering hernia repair in a culturally competent manner.
10:00 AM The Role of Gender in Hernia Repair: What We Know and Should We Know More?
10:10 AM Is Age Nothing But a Number? Preparing Older Adults for Hernia Procedures
10:20 AM Racial Disparities in Hernia Outcomes – How Do We Do Better?
10:30 AM Providing Culturally Competent Care for Unique Hernia Populations
10:40 AM Case Discussions/Q&A
Innovation in Surgical Education – Ideas to Get You Thinking About Learning (SAGES/CAGS)
Session Chair: E. Matthew Ritter | Session Co-Chair: Melina Vassiliou
Tired of teaching and learning in the same old ways? This session will highlight innovative ways of coupling conceptual frameworks based in principles of behavioral science with available technologies to improve learning and performance.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe educational frameworks or theories that have been successfully applied in surgical education.
- Identify opportunities to apply these educational frameworks in other areas of surgical education.
10:00 AM Introduction
10:04 AM Use of Video Review to Promote Trainee Self Efficacy
10:16 AM Training Technical Skills through Error Recognition
10:28 AM Gamification of Surgical Education
10:40 AM Panel and Discussion
Educators Session: How to Optimize Your Intraoperative Teaching
Education, Leadership
Session Chair: Amber Shada | Session Co-Chairs: Aimee Gardner & John Paige
This session will spotlight methods for intraoperative teaching that maximize trainee learning while minimizing faculty stress.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Organize the operating room educational experience using a structured preoperative briefing with the trainee.
- Gain exposure to methods of intraoperative teaching that allow for graduated autonomy.
- Formulate a debrief strategy that allows for postoperative closure and assessment.
11:00 AM Effective Intraoperative Teaching: A Brief History and Introduction
11:05 AM Setting the Stage: Use of a Preoperative Briefing
11:15 AM Intraoperative Communication: How to Maintain A Dialogue, Promote Independence and Maintain Safety
11:25 AM Fundamentals of Feedback
11:35 AM How SAGES Promotes Intraoperative Education: The LAPCO Train the Trainer Course
11:45 AM Q&A
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Scientific Sessions:
SS17 Bariatric Quickshot II
SS18 Hernia Video
SS19 Innovation & New Technology Quickshot
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Complimentary Eat & Greet Lunch in the Exhibit Hall for All Attendees
Enjoy lunch while you explore latest products and technologies offered by our exhibits.
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Lunch Symposia (Non-CME)
Attendance is free to all meeting attendees.
ADOPT Hands on Course: Lap Common Bile Duct Exploration and Imaging
Image Based Guidance, HPB
Session Chair: B. Fernando Santos | Session Co-Chairs: Jessica Koller-Gorham & Adnan Alseidi
Cholecystectomy in the modern era is an operation that is common in practice, frequently underestimated, and which remains plagued by the problems of bile duct injuries and common bile duct stones. This recognition has led to the development of safe cholecystectomy principles which include not only a safe dissection, but also liberal use of biliary imaging and management of common bile duct stones to optimize patient safety and outcomes. This course is designed for surgeons who already perform cholecystectomy and who wish to either improve or adopt safe cholecystectomy, intra-operative biliary imaging, and common duct exploration skills through a hands-on, mentored approach.
This course will follow the SAGES ADOPT curriculum, which means this course will be personally customized to each learners’ goals and experience, and all of the faculty will be trained on the best practices for procedural education.
This immersion experience provides our learners with 3 hours of personalized hands-on experience utilizing ultrasound, IOC, and choledochoscopy on simulator models
The ratio in the course will be 2:1 attendee :faculty.
Prior to the hands-on session, learners will have the opportunity to attend an online didactic lecture created specifically for this course.
After the hands-on session, our mentorship continues through the year long program with ongoing individual and group virtual interactions with assigned mentor and group webinars to share experiences, give advice and improve adoption rates of new techniques with a supportive environment.
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor Continuing Medical Education for physicians.
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) designates this Other (live, internet enduring, and live internet) CME activity for a maximum of 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe strategies to employ when faced with a difficult cholecystectomy, and how to perform a safe bailout maneuver if necessary.
- Perform and accurately interpret biliary imaging techniques of intraoperative ultrasound, fluorescent and conventional cholangiography, and choledochoscopy.
- Select patients appropriately for transcystic common duct exploration and utilize choledochoscopic and fluoroscopic techniques to clear the biliary tree.
Didactic Virtual Course: Monday, March 20, 2023
7:00 PM Introduction
7:05 PM Intraoperative Decision-making for the Difficult Gallbladder
7:25 PM Intraoperative Fluoroscopy
7:45 PM Intraoperative Ultrasound
8:05 PM Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Cholangiography
8:25 PM Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration – Choledochoscopy and Fluoro-guided
8:45 PM Q&A
Hands-On Course: March 30, 2023
1:30 PM – 5:30 PM HO Course
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Scientific Session: SS20 Exhibit Hall Theater Session 2 (Non-CME)
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
Your Bariatric Patient has Regained Weight – Now What?
Bariatrics, DEI
Session Chair: Omar Ghanem | Session Co-Chairs: Saniea Majid & Judy Chen
The session is designed to address all aspects of weight recurrence after bariatric surgery. Weight recurrence represents a real challenge to the bariatric surgeons (at all levels). After this course, the weight loss surgeon will be able to identify if the patient truly has weight relapse and after proper evaluation, be able to offer the adequate therapy (pharmacologic, endoscopic or surgical).
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the different definitions of weight recurrence after weight loss surgery.
- Appreciate the need for an interdisciplinary approach for evaluating weight relapse.
- Select the appropriate pharmacologic therapies, endoscopic interventions and/or surgical procedures to manage weight recurrence after bariatric surgery.
1:30 PM What Defines Weight Recurrence and Does My Patient Really Have It?
1:41 PM Weight Relapse: The Need for a Interdisciplinary Approach
1:52 PM Medications for Weight Recurrence: A Solution or a Bridge?
2:03 PM Endoscopic Therapy for Weight Recurrence: A Tool for the Surgeon
2:14 PM The Band Is Not Helping: Will the Sleeve Do?
2:25 PM Sleeve to Bypass: The Role of the Longer Biliopancreatic Limb
2:36 PM Sleeve Conversions: To OAGB or to SADI-S? That is the Question
2:47 PM Weight Recurrence after RYGB: Anatomic Failure or Hormonal Adaptation?
2:58 PM Q&A
3:30 PM Session End
Rectal Cancer Surgery – The Aftermath
Colorectal, DEI
Session Chair: Deborah Keller | Session Co-Chair: John Marks
New technologies and treatments have increased the surgeon’s ability to perform curative and sphincter preserving surgery in rectal cancer. The improvement in oncologic outcomes has highlighted functional and quality of life issues after surgery. There is a need to increase awareness and education on survivorship and best management of the aftermath from rectal cancer surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of functional and QOL issues after rectal cancer surgery.
- Identify new strategies for management of functional issues and complications after rectal cancer surgery.
- Develop awareness and plans for common issues that are rarely discussed after rectal cancer surgery.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:34 PM Acute Anastomotic Leak – Tools for Early Detection and Management
1:46 PM Routine Diversion – A Must or Bust?
1:58 PM The Chronic Anastomotic Sinus – Options for Filling the Hole
2:10 PM Let’s Talk About Sex – Focus on Functional Outcomes
2:22 PM Update on Local Recurrence After Watch-and-Wait
2:34 PM TaTME – Current International Positions and Failure Rates
2:46 PM Patient Reported Outcome Metrics – Are We Asking the Right Questions?
2:58 PM Evolution of Low Anterior Resection Syndrome
3:10 PM Q&A
Masters Foregut: Controversies in PEH Repair
Foregut, Hernia, Pediatrics
Session Chair: Ruchir Puri | Session Co-Chairs: Ellen Morrow & Brant Oelschlager
Management of paraesophageal hernias continues to evolve; repair of these hernias is one of the commonest operations performed by foregut surgeons. Numerous controversies exist related to workup, management and operative repair of these hernias. The session is designed to discuss some of the common controversies and provide some practical solutions for surgeons of all levels of experience.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify the common controversies related to paraesophageal hernias in children and adults.
- Recognize variations in presentation and workup of these patients.
- Formulate appropriate management strategies for patients with paraesophageal hernias based on current evidence.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:35 PM Pediatric PEH – Indications for Repair and Controversies
1:52 PM Does Motility Matter and Why Everyone Seems to be Getting a Partial Fundoplication?
2:09 PM Should Alternatives to a Fundoplication Like TIF and MSA be Performed with PEHR?
2:26 PM The Continued Mesh Debate: When, How, and Why?
2:43 PM When Should We Pivot from Standard Repair – Recurrences and Obesity?
3:00 PM Management of the Acutely Incarcerated PEH
3:17 PM Q&A
Masters Hernia: Controversies in Ventral Hernia Repair (SAGES/AHS)
Hernia, Robotics, DEI
Session Chair: Mazen Al-Mansour | Session Co-Chair: Clayton Pietro
The session will address controversies in hernia surgery with a focus on recent literature and innovations in the field of abdominal wall surgery. The intended audience includes all surgeons who treat abdominal wall hernias including general surgeons, minimally invasive surgeons, acute care surgeons and plastic surgeons.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the pros and cons of strict preoperative optimization goals.
- Summarize recent literature with regards to mesh choice in contaminated fields.
- Define the role of artificial intelligence in hernia surgery.
- Describe the effect of mesh location on surgical outcomes in minimally invasive ventral hernia repair.
1:30 PM Audience Response
1:31 PM Permanent Synthetic Mesh in Contaminated Fields- What are We Still Afraid of?
1:43 PM Audience Response
1:44 PM Minimally Invasive Diastasis Recti Repair – Video
1:56 PM Audience Response
1:57 PM Is Preoperative Optimization Restricting Access to Care?
2:09 PM Panel Discussion
2:30 PM Audience Response
2:31 PM Robotic Hernia Repair – What Data are We Missing?
2:43 PM Audience Response
2:44 PM Artificial Intelligence in Hernia Repair: Ready for PrimeTime?
2:56 PM Audience Response
2:57 PM IPOM In 2023 – Dying or Alive and Well?
3:09 PM Panel Discussion
Using Innovative Technology to Build Surgical Capacity Globally
Education, Community Practice
Session Chair: David Urbach | Session Co-Chair: Linda Zhang
Much of the population worldwide lacks access to basic surgical services, especially those living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Barriers include not only skilled people to deliver surgical care, but also a lack of material resources. Innovations in virtual care and simulation can help address this crisis by strengthening international capacity to provide care. Addressing the problem of the high cost of modern surgery will also be necessary to provide essential care—not only in resource-poor environments, but increasingly in higher income countries as well.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Illustrate current challenges and approaches to providing global surgery.
- Demonstrate innovations that enhance the capacity to provide essential surgery in low resource environments.
- Articulate an ethical framework for the role of cost containment in order to provide sustainable surgical services.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:35 PM The Challenge of Providing Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anesthesia Care To Planet Earth
1:45 PM Remote- and Simulation-Based Approaches to Sustainable Global Surgery Programs
1:55 PM Mosquito Net Hernia Repair, Bogota Bag Abdominal Wall Closure: The Future of Frugal Innovations that Enable Surgery Everywhere
2:05 PM Adapting Surgical Techniques and Using Inexpensive Materials in Low Resource Settings: An Ethical Framework for Cost Containment Globally and at Home
2:15 PM Discussion
Emerging Technology (Non-CME)
Session Chair: Dan Azagury | Session Co-Chairs: Sarah Samreen
Join us to hear about the latest techniques, technology and innovation across all general surgery. Open to all meeting attendees, whether you are still in training or have been practicing for decades. This will appeal to all.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Discover the latest techniques in early stages of their clinical evaluations.
- Appreciate emerging technologies at different stages of their development and potential clinical applications thereof.
- Understand the challenges facing the development of new technologies.
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Accepted Emerging Tech abstracts
SAGES Family Feud (Non-CME)
Education, Foregut, Hernia, Colorectal, FlexEndo
Session Chair: Ross Goldberg | Session Co-Chair: Marina Kurian
Welcome to the first ever SAGES Family Feud! See some of SAGES’ legends and leaders “Team Overachievers” square off against the upcoming best and brightest “Team Dynamos” SAGES has to offer. See them answer questions on topics covering Foregut, Hernia, Colorectal, Endoscopy, and more! Just like the original, our questions come directly from surveys of SAGES members. See who is going to take the crown of being the first SAGES Family Feud Champions!
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Be able to articulate the most up to date approaches to handling issues from a variety of clinical topics.
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Family Feud game
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Scientific Session: SS21 Biliary/Acute Care Video
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Refreshment Break/Happy 1/2 Hour in Exhibit Hall
Colorectal Nightmares with a Happy Ending
Session Chair: Elizabeth Raskin | Session Co-Chair: Abubaker Ali
The management of intraoperative and postoperative colorectal complications is both a science and an art form. This interactive session will explore the management of challenging colorectal scenarios through video clips accompanied by panel discussion and audience polling. This session is designed for surgeons and trainees at all levels.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Develop strategies to manage postoperative colorectal anastomotic leaks.
- Formulate an intraoperative game plan for handling stapler misfires.
- Prepare for the management of intraabdominal bleeding in the setting of minimally invasive surgery.
4:00 PM Patient has a leak! Get me a scope.
4:10 PM Where is the blood coming from?
4:15 PM Should we convert?
4:20 PM Where are the ureters?
4:30 PM Bleeding control during colectomy; What are the steps again?
4:35 PM I don’t like staplers.
4:40 PM OMG! Patient leaked!
4:45 PM Panel Discussion
How I Do the Perfect Foregut Operation
Foregut, Robotics
Session Chair: Kyle Perry | Session Co-Chair: Aurora Pryor
This video based session will focus on performing the key steps of core foregut operations identified in the SAGES Masters curriculum. The expert panel will discuss techniques utilized to facilitate the performance laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, paraesophageal hernia repair, robotic Heller myotomy, and redo fundoplication.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the critical steps to properly perform a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication.
- Employ strategies to ensure complete hernia sac reduction and adequate esophageal length during laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair.
- Ensure adequacy of the myotomy during robotic Heller myotomy.
4:00 PM Introduction
4:05 PM Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
4:15 PM Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair : Video Presenter
4:25 PM Robotic Heller Myotomy
4:35 PM Laparoscopic Redo Hiatal Hernia Repair & Redo Fundoplication
4:45 PM Panel Discussion & Video Case Review
Novel Procedures and Solutions for Bariatric Surgeons – Learning from our Colleagues Abroad (SAGES/IFSO)
Session Chair: Manoel Galvao Neto | Session Co-Chair: Sonja Chiappetta
Treating chronic disease obesity remains challenging. Pharmacological, endoscopic and surgical treatment strategies exist. This session will present and discuss innovations and novel procedures for primary and complication management including the whole armamentarium of a bariatric specialist – drugs, endoscopy and surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Appraise the importance of an innovative and complete bariatric armamentarium.
- Implement novel ideas in clinical practice.
- Manage hopeless surgical complications.
4:00 PM Novel Endoscopic and Surgical Bariatric Treatment Options
4:12 PM Comprehensive Pathophysiology and Treatment Options of Dumping Syndrome
4:24 PM Endoscopic Management of Surgical Disasters
4:36 PM Mixing the Procedures! What is the Best Treatment Pathway for a Chronic and Frequent Disease?
4:48 PM Q&A
Surgical Entrepreneur (Non-CME)
Session Chair: Christopher Schlachta | Session Co-Chairs: Steven Schwaitzberg
For practicing surgeons, trainees, students and innovators of any background, this session will provide insight, advice and instruction on how to bring your ideas and inventions into meaningful clinical practice, advise means of obtaining necessary financial support for product development, and reinforce the perseverance required for success. In addition, attendees will learn about investment strategies used by venture capitalists to identify promising opportunities both for those seeking investment capital and those seeking investment opportunities.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Organize device commercialization opportunities into successful enterprise for the benefit of patient care.
- Recognize opportunities to move intellectual property into the clinical realm.
- Appraising opportunities for resource development.
4:00 PM Introduction and Objectives
4:03 PM Protecting your IP and Owning your Idea
4:15 PM Training Innovation Through Simulation
4:27 PM Bringing Personalized Innovation to Realty
4:40 PM Discussion
4:50 PM Keynote: The Perseverance to Bring Idea to Innovation
5:15 PM Investing Outside the Stock Market
5:27 PM Understanding Investing in Start-ups
5:40 PM The SAGES Investment Network Collaborative
5:52 PM Discussion
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Scientific Sessions:
SS22 Complicatons of Hernia Video
SS23 Potpourri Video
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Scientific Sessions:
SS24 Bariatric Video I
SS25 Foregut Video I
SS26 Robotic/New Technology Video
SS27 Colorectal Video I
SS28 Flex Endo Quickshot
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
VL03 Video Loop Lounge (Non-CME)
Accepted Video Abstracts
Masters Bariatrics: Addressing Reflux Before and After Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric, Guidelines
Session Chair: Ted Trus | Session Co-Chairs: Amy Neville & Hope Jackson
In this session participants will hear from experts on the most up to date management of reflux in bariatric surgery patients. Methods of pre-operative evaluation, intra-operative management, and post-operative evaluation and treatment will be addressed.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate reflux disease pre-operatively and choose the most appropriate procedure for a given patient.
- Manage intra-operative findings as they relate to reflux disease.
- Diagnose and appropriately manage reflux disease in patients who have undergone bariatric surgery.
8:00 AM Clinical Tales: Evaluation and Work-up of Reflux Disease in Bariatric Patients
8:15 AM It’s a Wrap: Handling Previous Anti-reflux Surgery and Avoiding Technical Pitfalls in Bariatric Patients with Reflux
8:30 AM To Revise or Not to Revise: Managing Reflux Post Bariatric Surgery
8:45 AM I Screen, You Screen: The Role of Endoscopic Screening Post Bariatric Surgery
9:00 AM Hot Off the Press: SAGES Guidelines on Reflux and Bariatric Surgery
9:15 AM On the Horizon: Evolving Technology in Reflux Management in Bariatrics
9:30 AM Q&A
Troubleshooting the Impact of Rising BMI in the Surgical Patient Population
Bariatric, Hernia, Advocacy, Foregut, Colorectal
Session Chair: Sara Hennessy | Session Co-Chairs: Sharon Bachman & Jason Keune
Epidemiological trends in obesity in Americans have shown a steady increase in obesity, starting at least in the 1970s. It is estimated that the obesity prevalence in the American adult population increased from 35% in 2011 to 43% in 2017. Since obesity is a chronic health problem, with a substantial list of co-morbities and increased risk. This makes the challenge for surgeons formidable. In this session, we will consider perioperative strategies to minimize risk to surgical patients with obesity, and consider the impact of obesity on cancer operations, abdominal wall surgery and hiatal hernia repair.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe at least three perioperative strategies to minimize risk in the obese surgical patient.
- Identify appropriate approaches to the obese patient with abdominal wall hernia.
- Understand the optimal approach to patients with GERD and obesity.
8:00 AM Perioperative Risk Modification for Patients with Obesity
8:15 AM Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Sarcopenic Obesity
8:30 AM Technical Considerations for Hernia Repair in Patients with Obesity
8:45 AM Management of Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease in Patients with Obesity
9:00 AM The Impact of Obesity on Colorectal Cancer
9:15 AM Advocacy in Surgery for Patients with Obesity
9:30 AM Q&A
Bringing Your Performance to the Next Level: Train Like Elite Athletes Do
Education, Leadership
Session Chair: Carmen Mueller | Session Co-Chair: Nick Anton
This session is for all practicing surgeons and trainees who wish to better understand techniques and strategies to improve their operative performance. Topics covered will include situational awareness, stress management and up-and-coming performance improvement techniques such as AI-powered feedback.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize potential sources of human error in surgery and develop strategies to mitigate their impact on performance.
- Learn about novel strategies to improve operative performance including improving situational awareness and implementing automated and structured feedback modalities.
- Understand how performance in the operating room resembles performance in other high-intensity fields such as competitive sports.
8:00 AM Introduction
8:01 AM How Training has Changed for Elite Athletes in the Era of Advanced Performance Analytics and Video Based Feedback
8:13 AM Harnessing Situational Awareness and Stress Management Strategies to Improve Operative Performance
8:25 AM How do Elite Performers Optimize Training? Lessons Learned for Surgeons
8:37 AM Psychological Skills Training for Stress Management and Performance Optimization of Elite Athletes and Surgeons
8:49 AM Q&A
Spectacular Complications of Antireflux Surgery and How to Overcome Them
Foregut, Pediatrics
Session Chair: Jon Gould | Session Co-Chair: Michael Awad
Antireflux surgery is a commonly performed procedure that usually goes well and without complications. Although rare, spectacular complications can occur – and are often captured on video. We will watch video footage of some of these unusual and often gut wrenching complications, with insight and reflection from the surgeons who were there.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe some of the feared and significant complications that may be encountered during antireflux surgery.
- Discuss strategies for recognizing and managing these complications when they occur.
- Discuss strategies for preventing some of the catastrophic complications seen on video.
8:00 AM Introduction
8:05 AM Magnets in the Gastric Lumen -Managing Gastric Erosion of a Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation Device
8:20 AM A Stitch Through the Heart….
8:35 AM That Darn Liver!
8:50 AM Reoperation for Failed TIF -What a Disaster!
9:05 AM Peds Lap Belly Procedure – Now Milk in the Chest?
9:50 AM Panel Discussion
Pediatric Surgery Emergencies the Community General Surgeon May Encounter
Pediatrics, Community Practice
Session Chair: Bethany Slater | Session Co-Chair: Diana Diesen
This session describes pediatric surgical emergencies that the community general surgeon may encounter and describes the important diagnostic and therapeutic pearls. The main topics that will be presented include complicated Meckel’s, volvulus, and ingestion of foreign bodies. This session is particularly relevant for Community Surgeons whose practice include pediatric patients or anyone interested in learning more about pediatric surgical emergencies.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize and treat common pediatric surgical emergencies.
- Identify complicated Meckel’s diverticulum and appropriately treat this condition.
- Diagnose and treat volvulus and ingested foreign bodies.
8:00 AM Complicated Meckel’s Diverticulum: Diagnostic and Surgical Management
8:15 AM The Diagnosis and Treatment of Volvulus
8:30 AM Ingested and Retained Foreign Bodies
8:45 AM Q&A
Show Me the Data to Support Robotics! (Non-CME)
Robotics, Bariatric, HPB, Hernia, Colorectal, COI
Session Chair: Archana Ramaswamy | Session Co-Chair: Yusef Kudsi
The use of robotics in general surgery has significantly increased over the last few years. Concerns remain regarding the costs of the systems and benefits for patients compared with conventional laparoscopy. This session will focus on flushing out the data for a variety of general surgical uses, with US and international perspectives.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Compare conventional laparoscopy vs robotics from the standpoint of published outcomes.
- Identify situations where robotics offer benefits compared with standard laparoscopy.
- Develop pathways to identify the best use to robotics within an MIS practice.
8:00 AM Introduction
8:05 AM Robotic Fundoplication and Myotomy – Where is the Data?
8:13 AM Discussion
8:17 AM Primary and Revisional Bariatric Surgery – Is it Prime Time?
8:25 AM Discussion
8:29 AM Robotic Complete Mesocolic Excision and ICA Right Colectomy – Where is the Data and Why?
8:37 AM Discussion
8:41 AM Robotic Abdominal Wall Reconstruction – Where is the Value?
8:49 AM Discussion
8:53 AM Robotic Hepatectomy – Any Data to Support it?
9:01 AM Discussion
9:05 AM Robotic Cholecystectomy – How to Justify the Cost?
9:13 AM Discussion
9:17 AM Robotic Inguinal Hernia – How Much Progress Have We Made in the Last Decade?
9:25 AM Discussion
9:29 AM Robotic Pancreatectomy – Will it Ever Replace Lap Pancreatectomy?
9:37 AM Discussion
9:41 AM COI in Robotics Publication – Is There Really Evidence of Publication Bias?
9:49 AM Discussion
9:53 AM Closing
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Scientific Session: SS29 ICG Videos
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
Devil’s in the Details: Liver Parenchymal Transection (SAGES/ILLS/AHPBA)
HPB, Image Based Guidance
Session Chair: Alice Wei | Session Co-Chair: Sean Cleary
This session will cover a variety of techniques and approaches to transecting the liver parenchyma in minimally invasive liver surgery.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Compare different approaches to inflow control (Pringle) during MIS liver resection.
- Employ different dissection techniques and energy use to divide hepatic parenchyma.
- Describe specific techniques to optimize performance and efficiency in both anatomic and parenchymal preserving liver resection.
9:00 AM Caudal Approach to MIS Hepatectomy
9:10 AM Parenchymal Sparing Liver Resection – Impact on Transection Methods
9:20 AM How I Pringle Video 1
9:25 AM How I Pringle Video 2
9:30 AM How I Pringle Video 3
9:35 AM Tips and Tricks Related to Parenchymal Transection
9:43 AM Robotic Living Donor Hepatectomy
9:51 AM Q&A
Are You Ready to Have Your Performance Assessed by AI?
Session Chair: Ozanan Meireles | Session Co-Chairs: Liane Feldman & Daniel Hashimoto
It is undeniable that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be an integral part of surgery and healthcare in general. This session is designed by surgeons for surgeons, to introduce us to AI basics and beyond. Surgeons in all practice settings will find immense value in the informative talks given by academic experts and industry leaders. Attending the entire session from beginning to end, will keep you up to date on how our lives as surgeons will be altered and improved due to AI innovations.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Introduce artificial intelligence basic concepts and its current applications in medicine and surgery to the practicing physician.
- Provide a thorough overview of the AI disruptive possibilities that might change the way surgery will be practiced in the near future.
- Understand basic ethical principles and the necessary cultural transformation that are involved with the development of Surgical AI.
9:00 AM Introduction
9:05 AM Pitfalls and Recommendations for Image Analysis Validation
9:15 AM What are the Current and the Potential Future Uses of AI in Surgery?
9:25 AM Ethics in Surgical AI
9:35 AM The Future of Surgery through Computer Vision
9:45 AM Q&A
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Exhibits / Learning Center in Exhibit Hall (Non-CME)
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Refreshment Break/Morning Mimosas in Exhibit Hall
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Keynote: Presidential Address – Beyond Zed: A Reflection for SAGES
Dr. John Mellinger

John D. Mellinger, MD is the current President of SAGES and Vice President for the American Board of Surgery (ABS).
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Keynote: Karl Storz Lecture – Reverse Innovation in Health Care
Vijay Govindarajan

Vijay Govindarajan is the Coxe Distinguished Professor at the Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business and Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School. He is a NYT and WSJ Best Selling Author.
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Complimentary Eat & Greet Lunch in the Exhibit Hall for All Attendees
Enjoy lunch while you explore latest products and technologies offered by our exhibits.
Hands-on Course: Flexible Endoscopy – POEM and POP
Flexible Endoscopy
Session Chair: Joshua Winder | Session Co-Chairs: Amber Shada & Eric Pauli
Attendees will receive an in-depth introduction to Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM), and endoscopic Per Oral Pyloromyotomy (POP or G-POEM) focusing on hands-on experience walking through the steps of each procedure in an ex-vivo model. Attendees will learn from experts in the field through both didactic presentations and side-by-side hands-on experience reviewing patient selection, room and device setup, intraoperative considerations, procedural steps, and common intraoperative complications and their management, and postoperative care.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the core principles in patient selection, room and device setup, and postoperative management of patients undergoing POEM or POP.
- Describe in detail the procedural steps of both Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM), and Per Oral Pyloromyotomy (POP, G-POEM).
- Manage intraoperative complications and troubleshooting during POEM or POP.
1:30 PM Introduction
1:40 PM Achalasia: Workup, Patient Selection, Treatment Options
2:00 PM How I Do It: Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy
2:20 PM Gastroparesis: Workup, Patient Selection, Treatment Options
2:40 PM How I Do It: Per Oral Pyloromyotomy
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM Hands-On Lab
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Scientific Session: SS30 Plenary I
Accepted Best Papers Oral Presentations
Presidential Session: Ordinary Surgeons (Quietly) Doing Extraordinary Things
Session Chair: John Mellinger | Session Co-Chair: Adrian Park
This session will highlight examples of surgeons: working to make surgical care accessible where it has not been; stimulating and making surgical innovation accessible where it has not been; flourishing in the situation they find themselves, however resource limited they might be; sharing the unanticipated blessings of serving others.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Assess certain barriers to surgical care in their communities and identify specific initiatives to address them.
- Recognize opportunities for frugal innovation in the communities they serve and/or institutions in which they practice.
- Organize the resources available to them in their current practice situations to develop programs to make care or innovation more accessible to the communities they serve.
2:30 PM Introduction
2:35 PM The Moral Imperative to Make Quality Surgical Care More Accessible to the Communities We Serve
2:47 PM The Moral Imperative to Make Surgical Innovation Accessible to the Communities We Serve
2:59 PM Bloom Where You are Planted
3:11 PM The Unanticipated Blessings of Service
3:23 PM Discussion
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
Back to the Future: ICG and its Value – Giving Surgeons the Green Light
HPB, Guidelines, COI, Image Based Guidance
Session Chair: Christy Chai | Session Co-Chair: Robert Lim
This session will discuss the applications of image guidance in surgery, focusing on immunofluorescence. Our presenters will describe and demonstrate the use of fluorescence to map lymphadenectomies for gastric cancer, to identify lesions and the metastases in liver tumors, to assist with bariatric procedures, and to find important nerves in thyroid and parathyroid procedures. The session will also provide an update on the guidelines being formed by the SAGES image guidance task force. Finally this session will also provide a discussion on implementing and promoting this technology with unbiased research and a conflict of interest.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Demonstrate the use of imaging guidance during surgery.
- Employ the most current data and opinion on the proper use of fluorescence.
- Integrate this technology and promote its use with integrity.
4:00 PM Introduction
4:01 PM Finding That Last Nerve: Nerve Identification in Neck Surgery
4:11 PM Turning Your Stomach Green: Fluorescence-Guided Node Dissection in Gastric Cancer
4:21 PM Is it Easy Seeing Green?: Image Guidance in Liver Resections
4:31 PM Using Light to Fight Diabetes: Image Guidance and Metabolic Surgery
4:41 PM SAGES’s Guidance on Guidance: Guidelines of Image Guidance
4:49 PM When to Embrace the Dark Side: Role of Industry in Image Guidance
4:57 PM Q&A
Devil’s in the Details: Treatment of Benign Diseases of the Pancreas
Session Chair: Subhashini Ayloo | Session Co-Chair: Eugene Ceppa
This session will discuss best practices for addressing choledocholithiasis and cholecystitis in the setting of biliary pancreatitis.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify best practice approach to address choledocholithiasis and its complications at the time of biliary pancreatitis: A debate between first approach – ERCP vs. LCBDE.
- Identify best timing for cholecystectomy for biliary pancreatitis: A debate between early (<72 hours) vs. late (>72 hours).
4:00 PM Introduction
4:03 PM Approach to Choledocholithiasis: Debate – ERCP First Approach
4:15 PM Approach to Choledocholithiasis: Debate – Surgery First Approach
4:27 PM Timing of Cholecystectomy for Biliary Pancreatitis – Debate: Early Intervention (<72 hrs)
4:39 PM Timing of Cholecystectomy for Biliary Pancreatitis – Debate: Delayed Intervention (>72 hrs)
4:51 PM Q&A
Work Hard, Play Hard – Integrating Hobbies into a Busy Surgical Practice (Non-CME)
Session Chair: Horacio Asbun | Session Co-Chairs: Edward Auyang & James Bittner
Studies suggest that work-life integration, particularly the pursuit of personal hobbies and activities, can decrease surgeon burnout. The old adage, ‘work hard, play hard’ might change to ‘be whole, always’ as a means to convey the concept of whole-life integration. This session, which will include several hands-on fun and informative breakout sessions, is designed for all attendees interested in integrating hobbies into a busy surgical life.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Prioritize personal wellness and wholeness through affirming hobbies.
- Identify at least one personal activity or hobby that brings you joy and purpose.
- Change thinking from “work hard, play hard” to “be whole, always” as a means to convey the concept of whole-life integration.
4:00 PM Being a Surgeon and a Parent
4:07 PM Balancing Surgery with Society Leadership Responsibilities
4:14 PM Achieving Institutional Balance as a Surgeon and Chair of a Surgical Department
4:21 PM Finding a Hobby to Gain Work/Life Balance
4:28 PM Whiskey Tasting Breakout
Wine Tasting Breakout
Golf Simulation Breakout
Paint and Sip Breakout
6:00 PM Session End
Surgical Data Science and Digital Transformation of the Operating Room: Principles, Promises and Perils (Non-CME)
Education, Ethics, Flex Endo
Session Chair: Amin Madani | Session Co-Chair: Silvanna Perretta
Surgical Data Science (SDS) is a field that aims to improve the quality of surgical care through the capture, organization, analysis and modeling of data. Despite advancements in data science and machine learning having transformed our vision of the future of surgical care, there remain many obstacles for realizing the potential of SDS. This session explores concepts and success stories of SDS, including current and future applications both intraoperatively and perioperatively. Various topics will be explored including creating the infrastructure for surgical data acquisition, storage, access, annotation and analytics (such as artificial intelligence) in the presence of regulatory constraints, the translational progress from academia to clinical implementation, intellectual property and custody of surgical data, as well as ethical and privacy issues related to their widespread utilization.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Define surgical data science.
- Describe potential applications of surgical data science to improve surgical care – intraoperatively and perioperatively.
- Describe methods and obstacles for developing an infrastructure to acquire, store, share, annotate and analyze surgical data.
- Describe intellectual property considerations of raw surgical data and data derivatives.
- Describe ethical and privacy considerations for the utilization of surgical data.
4:00 PM Using Surgical Data to Optimize Operative Performance and Surgical Outcomes
4:10 PM Surgery in 2030: Digital Transformation of the Operating Room
4:20 PM Who Owns Surgical Data? Primer on Blockchain and NFTs
4:30 PM Ethical Considerations and Privacy Rules for the Use of Surgical Data
4:40 PM Interactive Session: Designing Digital Intelligence into the Operating Room
4:50 PM Q&A
Endoscopic Solutions for the Bariatric Surgeon
Bariatric, Advocacy, Education
Session Chair: Matthew Kroh | Session Co-Chair: Eleanor Fung
Obesity is a worsening public health epidemic that has increased health care costs and numerous related comorbid illnesses. Endoscopy has been applied in various ways in bariatrics and is an attractive alternative in the management of obesity to fill the gap between medical and surgical therapy. The goal of this session is to review the various endoscopic techniques available in bariatric surgery in the primary setting as well as post-operative management of complications.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe endoscopic treatments available to treat obesity.
- Employ new endoscopic strategies to manage bariatric surgery complications.
- Evaluate best practices to employ endoscopic bariatric solutions in practice.
4:00 PM Opening Remarks
4:01 PM Advocacy and the Emerging Role of Bariatric Endoscopy in the Treatment of Obesity
4:11 PM ESG and Primary Endoluminal Therapies in 2022
4:21 PM Updates in Management of Leak after Metabolic Surgery
4:31 PM What’s New in Endoscopic Approaches to Treatment of Weight Recurrence after Surgery
4:41 PM Bariatric Endoscopy is Here: How do I Learn it? Skills Acquisition and Credentialing
4:51 PM Q&A
Fellowship Council Session: Lessons Learned – Challenging Situations for Fellowship Council Accredited Programs
Leadership, Advocacy, Education
Session Chair: Shanu Kothari | Session Co-Chair: Brent Matthews
In recognition of challenging situations that can arise within an accredited Fellowship Council program, leadership of the Fellowship Council has the unique perspective and experience in collaborating with programs in managing these contemporary issues such as the disruptive faculty behavior, fellowship funding and billing, J-1 and H1B Visas, and the underperforming fellow. Vignettes will frame the challenging situation with a panel discussion of lessons learned to provide guidance to the fellows, faculty and program directors involved in accredited Fellowship Council programs.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Utilize the experiential learnings of fellowship program directors and Fellowship Council leaders in applying solutions to contemporary challenges in fellowship programs.
- Distinguish the critical differences between the J-1 and H1B visa for trainees pursuing fellowship.
- Compare options for fellowship funding and discuss fellows billing.
4:00 PM Welcome and Introduction
4:05 PM Disruptive Behavior
4:15 PM Fellowship Funding and Fellow Billing
4:25 PM J-1 and H1B Visas
4:35 PM Underperforming Fellow
4:45 PM Discussion
Shark Tank (Non-CME)
Session Chair: Christopher Schlachta | Session Co-Chairs: Steven Schwaitzberg
SAGES, in partnership with Varia Ventures, is continuing its initiative to educate members on entrepreneurism, and engage and showcase inventors through the Shark Tank business competition. This includes financing promising startups through SAGES Investment Network Collaborative (SINC). Santanello Surgical’s Vampiro, a dual lumen Minimally Invasive Poole Suction Sleeve, was the 2022 winner in last year’s Shark Tank.
This year’s finalists will again present both their idea and supporting business model to the Shark Tank judges. All semi-finalists will present their work in-person at the NBT Innovation Weekend in Los Angeles and will have an opportunity to receive funding through SINC, a digital investment platform powered by Varia Ventures that allows fellow SAGES members to invest in their idea. In addition, the winner will also receive the $30,000 first prize.
4:00 – 6:00 PM Shark Tank Finalist Presentations
SAGES Role in Research and What it Means to Our Membership
Education, COI
Session Chair: Christopher DuCoin | Session Co-Chairs: Anjali Kumar & Dino Spaniolas
This session will review the role Research has had on SAGES, and where the role of Research could transition to in the very near future. We will discuss how Research within SAGES and the Membership have positioned our impact on everything from patient care to industry support. This session will review ways that members can communicate on research topics, how research support via SAGES has improved careers, how to engage in the grant writing process, and become involved in clinical trials.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand the process of becoming involved with industry funded trial via SAGES.
- Become familiar with the process of writing a grant, and the steps toward grant submission.
- Learn about the role Research will play in the future of SAGES and the early benefits the membership will experience.
5:00 PM Introduction
5:01 PM First Steps in Grant Writing – SAGES Seed Funding
5:11 PM From Medical Student to the Career Development Award – What SAGES Research Can Do for You
5:21 PM SAGES and Multi-Society Studies
5:26 PM Industry Funded Clinical Trials and How SAGES (and You) Will Lead the Way
5:36 PM Every Member Can be Involved in Research – the SAGES Research Template
5:46 PM Q&A
What’s New in the Surgical Treatment of IBD? (Non-CME)
Session Chair: Karen Zaghiyan | Session Co-Chair: Alexander Greenstein
This session will focus on the modern surgical management of inflammatory bowel disease including stem cells, Kono-S anastomosis, modified 2 stage ileoanal pullthrough, and the surgical management of dysplasia in ulcerative colitis.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Evaluate the emerging role of stem cells in the management of Crohn’s disease.
- Compare anastomotic techniques after ileocolic resection for Crohn’s disease.
- Employ various approaches to the staged ileoanal pull through for ulcerative colitis.
5:00 PM Introduction
5:01 PM Dysplasia in Ulcerative Colitis – Surgery or Surveillance?
5:12 PM IPAA for Ulcerative Colitis – to Stage or Not to Stage?
5:23 PM Ileocolic Resection for Crohn’s – Does Surgical Technique Affect Recurrence?
5:34 PM Stem Cells in Anal Fistula and Beyond
5:45 PM Q&A
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Scientific Sessions:
SS31 Bariatric Video II
SS32 Foregut Video II
SS33 Best Basic Science Quickshot
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
VL04 Video Loop Lounge (Non-CME)
Accepted Video Abstracts
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Scientific Session: SS34 Plenary II
Accepted Best Papers Oral Presentations
How to Bring New Technology to Your Hospital
Leadership, Community Practice, Advocacy, COI
Session Chair: Caitlin Halbert | Session Co-Chairs: Shaneeta Johnson & Mercedeh Baghai
This session will focus on how to introduce new technology, including devices and procedures, to your hospital. Real-world examples will highlight the keys to a successful adoption including advocacy for coverage and effective interactions with leadership and industry.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the process for introduction of new devices and new procedures to your hospital.
- Identify the key to developing a successful value proposition for hospital leadership.
- Recognize the perspective of hospital leadership when introducing new technology.
10:00 AM Demonstrating Worth for New Technology: A Surgeon’s Perspective
10:12 AM Demonstrating Worth for New Technology: A Hospital Leadership Perspective
10:24 AM Role of Industry in Adoption of New Technology
10:36 AM Q&A
10:42 AM How to Bring a New Device in to Your Hospital
10:54 AM How to Bring a New Procedure into Your Hospital
11:06 AM How to Get Paid for Your New Technology
11:18 AM Q&A
Compression Anastomosis Revisited for GI, Bariatric, Pediatric & Colorectal Surgery (Non-CME)
Colorectal, Bariatric, Pediatric
Session Chair: Michel Gagner | Session Co-Chair: Stefan Scholz
This session focuses on different concepts using magnets for surgical purposes. It provides a brief overview of current techniques for magnetic anastomoses in different surgical subspecialties such as endoluminal, bariatric, colorectal and pediatric surgery. The four presentations by speakers who have added magnet techniques to their surgical practice are followed by an in-depth discussion including a question-and-answer session led by the session chairs and two expert panelists. By harnessing the power of attraction, the energy and might of magnets, researchers and clinicians have created new surgical techniques that may become essential to improve surgical outcomes for patients.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe concepts of magnet compression anastomosis for different surgical subspecialties.
- Evaluate magnet compression anastomosis concepts for new areas of research and development.
- Evaluate new magnet techniques of compression anastomosis for feasibility and adaptation into your own clinical practice.
10:00 AM Introduction
10:05 AM Compression Anastomosis for Gastro-Jejunal Anastomosis
10:20 AM Compression Anastomosis in Bariatric Surgery
10:35 AM Compression Anastomosis in Colorectal Surgery
10:50 AM Magnets and Compression Anastomosis in Pediatric Surgery
11:05 AM Panel Discussion/Q&A
Tips & Tricks in Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy
Foregut, Robotics
Session Chair: Ziad Awad | Session Co-Chairs: Lorenzo Ferri & Sumeet Mittal
The session is useful for Residents, GI Surgeons, Surgical Oncologists, and Thoracic Surgeons. It will include useful information regarding creation of the gastric conduit and abdominal lymph node dissection. We will also address different approaches for creation of intrathoracic anastomosis (Robotic, VATS and Prone) and managing complications after esophagectomy.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Learn creating the gastric conduit.
- Learn different approaches for intrathoracic anastomosis.
- Manage postoperative complications.
10:00 AM Abdominal Part of Esophagectomy
10:10 AM Thoracoscopic Esophago-gastric Anastomosis
10:20 AM Robotic Esophago-gastric Anastomosis
10:30 AM Prone Esophago-gastric Anastomosis
10:40 AM Complications and How to Manage
10:50 AM Q&A
11:30 AM Session End
Masters HPB: MIS Revolution for HPB Malignancy (SAGES/AHPBA)
HPB, Guidelines
Session Chair: Melissa Hogg | Session Co-Chair: Erin Baker
This session will provide an update and review of the utilization of MIS surgical techniques (laparoscopic and robotic) for HPB Malignancies. These talks will briefly review the history and prevalence of MIS technology in each malignancy. Presenters will delve into the inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients to undergo MIS cancer-specific surgery. The session will incorporate video based education to discuss application of MIS techniques for HPB malignancy with a focus on new technology and avenues for the future.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Convey the history and prevalence of MIS surgery in HPB Malignancy.
- Identify ideal and poor operative candidates for MIS surgery in HPB Malignancy.
- Illustrate tips and tricks via video based education for MIS surgery in HPB Malignancy.
10:00 AM Introduction
10:05 AM MIS Resection for Hepatoma: I’m Down with HCC, Ya You Know Me!
10:15 AM Colorectal Liver Mets: Parenchymal Sparing, Big Liver Resections and Beyond
10:25 AM GB Cancer: More than Just a Lap Chole
10:35 AM EHBD Cholangiocarcinoma: Taking it All Out and Putting it Back Together
10:45 AM PNET: Spare Me… Some Pancreas
10:55 AM PDAC (Pancreaticoduodenectomy): Heads You Win!
11:05 AM PDAC (Distal Pancreatectomy): Tails You Lose!
11:15 AM Panel Discussion
SS35 Residents & Fellows Session
Session Chair: Yewande Alimi | Session Co-Chairs: Richard Garfinkle
In this session, residents and fellows representing the next generation of SAGES members will present their best research to a panel of expert faculty. A selection of the top submitted abstracts will ensure top quality research with a broad range of current topics.
After each presentation, expert panelists/judges will rank each resident/fellow presenter with regards to study contents, significance in clinical surgery, originality, study designs/methodology, interpretation and analysis of study findings/results, appropriate use of statistical tests, and overall presentation skills (including slides, clarity of presentation, and audience engagement). Awards will be given to two (2) top presenters at the conclusion of the session.
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Resident/Fellow Abstracts Presentation
Natural Orifice Techniques in Colorectal Surgery (Non-CME)
Colorectal, DEI
Session Chair: Daniel Popowich | Session Co-Chair: Giovanni Dapri
Natural orifice endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery originated about 20 years ago with NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery). The techniques have been refined over the years with dedicated platforms to perform natural orifice surgical procedures such as TEM/TEO/TAMIS for rectal polyps and cancer, Transanal TME, natural orifice extraction of specimens and even full colonic resections have been performed via natural orifice modalities. Many of these techniques are very challenging to perform and require expensive platforms to perform. This limits the widespread utilization of these techniques.
Natural orifice extraction of the specimens however does not require any additional instrumentation and can easily be mastered allowing us to offer our colectomy patients surgical procedures without an extraction incision. This mitigates pain, decreases wound infection and hernia and leaves the patient undergoing a major colon resection with the same amount and size of ports as a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
In this session, we aim to educate the audience on natural orifice extractions for colorectal resections. This includes left sided and right sided resections via laparoscopic and robotic. We will discuss the benefits to the patient of avoiding the extraction incision, techniques to perform intracorporeal anastomosis and troubleshooting when things don’t go as planned. We have an all star lineup of experts from around the world to show you how to incorporate these techniques seamlessly into your practice.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Introduce the learner to transvaginal and transanal approaches for minimally invasive colorectal surgery.
- Identify advantages and disadvantages and results of these natural orifice extraction techniques.
- Develop a plan to incorporate these techniques into your daily practice.
11:30 AM Introduction
11:32 AM Advantages and Disadvantages for Natural Orifice Surgery
11:42 AM Transvaginal Extraction for Colorectal Resections
11:52 AM Natural Orifice Extraction for Right Sided Resections
12:02 PM Transrectal Extraction for Colorectal Resections
12:12 PM Troubleshooting When Things Don’t Go as Planned
12:22 PM Q&A
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Groin Hernias, but Were Afraid to Ask
Hernia, Pediatrics, Guidelines, DEI
Session Chair: Shirin Towfigh | Session Co-Chairs: Romeo Ignacio & Jeremy Warren
Inguinal hernias used to be considered a simple operation, but with new technology and concerns over chronic pain and mesh-related complications, how is a surgeon to decide the best plan of care for their patient? We will help answer all the questions that are hard to find in a textbook by introducing experts in the field of advanced inguinal hernia repairs in adults, chronic pain, and pediatric hernias.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand how to best tailor inguinal hernia care to the needs and risk factors of the patient.
- Learn techniques to evaluate and treat patients with chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair.
- Discriminate how to choose inguinal hernia technique for teenagers, mesh averse patients, and other special populations.
12:00 PM Introduction
12:03 PM Inguinal Hernia Repair: What Do the Guidelines Say? And Should I Trust Them?
12:10 PM My Patient Asked Me For The Best Hernia Repair: Which One Do I Choose?
12:17 PM Since I’m In There Anyway, Am I Wrong To Offer Contralateral Hernia Repair?
12:24 PM Inguinal Hernia Repair in Women: Separate But Equal?
12:31 PM What’s New in Pediatric Inguinal Hernia Repair?
12:38 PM I Really Want to Offer Laparoscopic Repair with Mesh to This Teenager, But Should I?
12:45 PM Q&A
1:01 PM When is Tissue-Based Repair Appropriate and Which One Do I Choose?
1:08 PM Is Mesh Really All That Bad? Show Me The Data
1:15 PM Help: My Patient Now Has Groin Pain – Where Do I Start with the Workup?
1:22 PM What’s the Right Answer: Selective Neurectomy, Triple Neurectomy, or No Neurectomy?
1:29 PM Q&A
Masters Foregut: Controversies in the Management of GERD
Session Chair: Leena Khaitan | Session Co-Chairs: Francesco Palazzo & Joshua Glenn
This session will address aspects that remain controversial in the surgical management of GERD. Expert speakers will discuss topics in a pro/con format on individual topics with supporting evidence, and impact on clinical decision making. In selected instances, real life case scenarios will be utilized to provide practical examples and guidance for the audience. The audience will be surveyed before and after the individual debates to assess the impact of the presentations on clinical decision making.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Articulate a rational approach to complex and controversial issues related to the surgical management of patients with GERD.
- Integrate and apply surgical and endoscopic interventions in the evaluation and treatment of patients with GERD.
- Develop an evidence-based approach to patients with GERD and associated medical conditions.
12:00 PM Introduction
12:05 PM Controversy #1 – Partial Fundoplication is the New Standard of Care and the Nissen Should be Abandoned: Pro
12:10 PM Controversy #1 – Partial Fundoplication is the New Standard of Care and the Nissen Should be Abandoned: Con
12:15 PM Controversy #1: Discussion/Rebuttal
12:20 PM Controversy #2 – Combined Hiatal Hernia Repair and Transoral Fundoplication is Better Than a Surgical Hernia Repair and Fundoplication: Pro
12:25 PM Controversy #2 – Combined Hiatal Hernia Repair and Transoral Fundoplication is Better Than a Surgical Hernia Repair and Fundoplication: Con
12:30 PM Controversy #2 – Discussion/Rebuttal
12:35 PM Controversy #3 – MSA is Better Than a Complete or Partial Fundoplication for Reflux: Pro
12:40 PM Controversy #3 – MSA is Better Than a Complete or Partial Fundoplication for Reflux: Con
12:45 PM Controversy #3 – Discussion/Rebuttal
12:50 PM Controversy #4 – Patients Who had a Nissen in Infancy Will Likely Need a Redo as an Adult: Pro
12:55 PM Controversy #4 – Patients Who had a Nissen in Infancy Will Likely Need a Redo as an Adult: Con
1:00 PM Controversy #4 – Discussion/Rebuttal
1:05 PM Controversy #5 – Patients Who Have Been on PP’’s for Over 5 Years Should be Evaluated and Treated with Antireflux Surgery: Pro
1:10 PM Controversy #5 – Patients Who Have Been on PPI’s for Over 5 Years Should be Evaluated and Treated with Antireflux Surgery: Con
1:15 PM Controversy #5 – Discussion/Rebuttal
1:20 PM Controversy #6 – All Patients with BMI Over 35 and Pathologic GERD Should Have Weight Loss Surgery for Reflux Management: Pro
1:25 PM Controversy #6 – All Patients with BMI Over 35 and Pathologic GERD Should Have Weight Loss Surgery for Reflux Management: Con
1:30 PM Controversy #6 – Discussion/Rebuttal
1:35 PM Controversy #7 – Endoflip is the New Diagnostic Study of Choice and Manometry can be Abandoned: Pro
1:40 PM Controversy #7 – Endoflip is the New Diagnostic Study of Choice and Manometry can be Abandoned: Con
1:45 PM Controversy #7 – Discussion/Rebuttal
1:50 PM Q&A
Choosing the Best Bariatric Operation for Your Patient
Bariatrics, DEI, Pediatrics
Session Chair: Farah Husain | Session Co-Chairs: Janey Pratt & Don Selzer
While bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for obesity, there are challenges with patients not achieving adequate weight loss, diabetes remission, or facing weight recurrence. This session strives to help surgeons and their multidisciplinary teams figure out the right initial bariatric procedure and delves into the complexities and heterogeneity of obesity. We will review surgical and endoscopic options, and review challenging cases, to include a discussion of pediatric obesity and social determinants of health.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of current metabolic surgeries.
- Employ new strategies to approach challenging patients and review options for obesity treatment.
- Evaluate treatment options for obesity in adults and pediatrics, with and without diabetes mellitus.
12:00 PM Sleeve Gastrectomy – Strengths and Weaknesses
12:10 PM Gastric Bypass – Strengths and Weaknesses
12:20 PM Duodenal Switch and SADI – Strengths and Weaknesses
12:32 PM One-anastomosis Gastric Bypass and Other Novel Techniques – Strengths and Weaknesses
12:44 PM Endoscopic Obesity Treatment – Strengths and Weaknesses
12:56 PM Pediatric Considerations – Is There a Best Surgery?
1:06 PM How Do Diversity Measures Impact Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery Outcomes?
1:21 PM Challenging Cases – Panel Discussion
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Scientific Session: SS36 Endocrine
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Scientific Session: SS37 Robotic & Advanced Technology
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Scientific Session: SS38 Complex Gallbladder
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Scientific Sessions:
SS39 Bariatric II
SS40 Foregut Video III
SS41 Billiary Sesson
SS43 Education
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Scientific Session: SS42 Colorectal Video Session II
Accepted Oral & Video Presentations
In addition to this year’s exciting program, SAGES 2023 will also feature a variety of sponsored educational activities. These sessions will all be held in the Montreal Convention Center, attendance is free for any SAGES attendee and no registration is required.
**These sessions are not planned nor accredited for CME by SAGES.
Breakfast Session – 7:00 – 8:00 am
Live Robotic Anti-Reflux Surgery: Pioneering Augmented Intelligence – presented by Asensus
Dr. Vivianda Menke, Senior Consultant General, Visceral and Oncological Surgery and Head of Reflux Center, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Wesel (Germany)
Dr. Amit Trivedi, Chair of Surgery, Hackensack Meridien Health, Pascack Valley Hospital, New Jersey
Lunch Symposia – 12:15 – 1:15 pm
Integrated intelligence and optimized staffing with da Vinci surgery; bringing value to community and academic institutions – presented by Intuitive Surgical
Agenda: Tips to optimizing staff in your da Vinci surgery robotic programs; best practices on academic institutions leveraging the Intuitive HUB with residents and fellows; experience a LIVE Intuitive Teleprescence demo
Presenters: Michael Meara, MD, The Ohio State University Hospital East; Mario Leyba, MD Lovelace Women’s Hospital; Megan Jenkins, MD, NYU Langone Health
The Guiding Light Across the Spectrum of Minimally Invasive Surgery – presented by Stryker Endoscopy
Agenda: This session will be a dynamic panel discussion covering the utility, benefits and potential economic advantages of SPY fluorescence imaging technology in a variety of specialties, including colorectal, bariatric, general and HPB surgery
Presenters: Patricia Sylla, MD; Steven Schwaitzberg, MD; Sami Chadi, MD; John Marks, MD; Marina Kurian, MD; Aurora Pryor, MD; Horacio Asbun, MD; Ryan Broderick, MD; Santiago Horgan, MD
Lunch Symposia – 12:15 – 1:15 pm
“Weighing In” on the Complexity of Hernia Repair in Obese Patients – presented by Gore & Associates
Presenters: Drs. Cheguevara Afaneh, MD; Matthew Goldblatt, MD; Aurora Pryor, MD, MBA
Visiting Education & Innovation Center is a Non-CME Activity
Chairs: Erin Gilbert, MD & Gordon Wisbach, MD
Advanced Laparoscopic Suturing of Anastomoses (ALSA)
Coordinators: Julian Varas, MD & Valentina Duran, MD
The ALSA station allows the participants to acquire advanced laparoscopic suturing skills to perform permeable and leak-free anastomosis of different sizes and positions. Participants will practice on validated real-tissue simulation models in high definition endotrainers. The main goal is to learn how to safely perform hand-sewn and mechanical small bowel anastomosis and the principles to perform small duct-to-mucosa anastomosis. Instructors will give tips and feedback and an iOS App with video tutorials will guide participants through the training. Each exercise has a time goal and all anastomoses performed are tested for permeability and leakage.
- Understand the principles of laparoscopic anastomosis in different sizes and positions
- Perform various laparoscopic anastomoses in real-tissue simulation models inside an HD endotrainer (jejuno-jejunostomy, hepatico-jejunostomy and pancreatico-jejunostomy)
- Practice laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing with 3-0, 4-0 and 6-0 needles
Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration and Safe Cholecystectomy
Coordinators: B. Fernando Santos, MD & Jessica Koller-Gorham, MD
The LCBDE/Safe Chole station will allow participants to gain cognitive knowledge and hands-on experience with the technique and instruments used for transcystic common bile duct exploration, and gain familiarity with principles of safe cholecystectomy. The station will feature several hands-on stations where participants will utilize instruments and choledochoscopes for LCBDE on a validated LCBDE simulator, with coaching from experienced proctors. There will also be an option for participants to perform a competitive LCBDE time trial and qualify for an LCBDE competition to be held in collaboration with Dr. Rosser’s Top Gun Station. The station will also allow participants to review and learn from interactive multi-media didactic modules on LCBDE and Safe Cholecystectomy.
- To gain a greater understanding of bile duct injuries (BDI) in laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and learn how to minimize this risk in clinical practice
- To gain the cognitive knowledge and technical skills necessary to perform transcystic common bile duct exploration
- Compete in a LCBDE time-trial and quality for a final competition at the Top Gun station
Top Gun
Coordinators: James “Butch” Rosser, MD & Joseph L’Huillier, MD
The Top Gun Laparoscopic Skill Shootout Station will allow participants of all training levels to develop and improve their laparoscopic skills. The station will feature the validated “Rosser TOP GUN” skill development stations developed by Dr. Rosser and made famous at Yale. To date, over 6000 surgeons have participated around the world. Instructors will show tactics and techniques that will transfer readily into the clinical environment Participants will compete for slots in the Top Gun Shoot Out; crowning one SAGES 2022 TOP GUN.
- Review the Rosser suturing algorithm
- Perform dexterity skills and suturing exercises using the “Rosser TOP GUN” training stations
- Compete with other surgeons in the Top Gun Shoot Out
VORTex Simulator
Coordinators: Cullen Jackson, PhD & Doga Demirel, MD
VORTeX is a networked, collaborative virtual reality (VR) environment for training OR team members in non-technical skills, such as teamwork, communications, and coordination. VORTeX allows the team (surgeons, anesthesiologists, and perioperative nurses) to train together in a distributed manner (i.e., not co-located in the same room or simulation facility) while wearing mobile device-based HMD systems. This shared virtual environment allows for training to be decoupled from expensive, centralized simulation centers while still facilitating high-fidelity and high-quality training team training.
The system has several advantages compared to other VR/computer-based training simulators for OR teams:
– It enables multiple participants to learn together simultaneously (Other systems rely on pre-programmed automatons to serve as the other team members, which limits the training to a single participant and does not allow for cross-disciplinary learning)
– It can assess team performance in near real-time and provide feedback to the team (or observer-trainer) to facilitate debriefing
The station will be staffed by personnel from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
- Communicate with team members to coordinate information and actions
- Recognize the pattern of symptoms and diagnosis the problem by sharing information
- Treat the problem effectively by working together to complete appropriate therapeutic tasks
The Global Surgery Engagement Experience
Co-sponsored by
Global Affairs Committee
Coordinators: Maria Marcela Bailez, MD; Carlos Andres Colunga, MD; Hsien Yang, MD; Kristin Burnham, MD
Staff: Katherine Cordero, MD; Fabiola Cordoba, MD; Rocio Cano, MD
Military Committee
Chair: Andrew Schlussel, DO; Co-Chair: Katherine Cameron, MD
Billions of people across the globe lack access to surgical care. Whether this includes early intervention to control hemorrhage following trauma and natural disasters, or providing the benefits of advanced minimally invasive techniques, as a society we must begin to close this gap in surgical inequality. From battlefields to operating rooms around the world, we invite participants on a journey through surgical diversity. This experience will provide education on fundamental trauma care, as well as build participants skills for both maximally and minimally invasive techniques.
As participants walk through this Global Engagement Experience, participants will see first-hand the approach of the Global Laparoscopic Advancement Program (GLAP) in enhancing the laparoscopic skills of surgeons in low- and middle-income countries through tele-simulation and tele-mentorship. Participants can practice their FLS skills with guidance from onsite mentors and remote tele-mentors. Participants will also experience hands-on simulation models for trauma care, such as hemorrhage control and caring for acutely injured trauma victims. In addition, with the rising concern of active shooter incidents we aim to provide familiarity on how to react to these situations and protect oneself.
As we bring learners and educators together from around the globe, this Global Engagement experience will enrich participants’ understanding of how they can contribute within their own community or abroad in providing the much needed surgical care. In addition, this interactive event will provide participants the confidence and competence to reach out and teach surgeons around the world.
- Demonstrate hands-on performance of hemorrhage control procedures such as tourniquet placement and wound packing.
- Gain confidence in performing technical skills to manage injured and acutely ill surgical patients.
- Demonstrate the main principles of run, hide, fight during an active shooter
- Demonstrate the feasibility of simulation-based education and objective assessment of skills
- Understand the concepts of a safe-learning environment and constructive feedback.
- Demonstrate the principles of implementing telesimulation.
- Connect participants with telementors and onsite mentors.
- Identify resources available for training at your institution
SimCVS (Simulation for Critical View of Safety Training)
Coordinators: Joseph Siu, PhD; Irene Suh, PhD & Carl Nelson, PhD
The Critical View of Safety (CVS) established by the SAGES task force lays out specific procedural step to avoid biliary injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In this station, we will introduce how to use a unique simulation training system to learn how to identify critical view of safety (CVS). Participants are invited to join a research study onsite to potentially receive the training system or training materials to practice CVS at home or in the clinic for a period of research study after SAGES conference.
Exhibit & Learning Center Hours:
Wednesday, March 29
*** 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Thursday, March 30
*** 10:00am – 4:00pm
12:00pm – 1:30pm
3:30pm – 4:00pm
Friday, March 31
*** 10:00am – 4:00pm
3:30pm – 4:00pm
Welcome Reception only
Complimentary Lunch for All Attendees
Happy ½ Hour Break
Morning Mimosas Break
Complimentary Lunch for All Attendees
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
Confirmed list of Exhibitors as of March 1, 2023
3-D Matrix
Activ Surgical
ATL Technologies
Apolllo Endosurgery
Applied Medical
AssistQ Technologies
BK Medical
Boston Scientific
Castle Biosciences
Cook Biotech
Cook Medical
Dex Surgical
Endogastric Solutions
EziSurg Medical
Fluid AI
General Surgery News
Gore and Associates
Illuminaire Biotechnologies
Intuitive Foundation
Intuitive Surgical
Karl Storz
Lexion Medical
Limbs & Things
Luz Kelibiz Int’l
Molli Surgical
New View Surgical
New Wave Endo
Olympus America Inc.
Origami Surgical
Panther Healthcare
RTI Surgical
Standard Bariatrics/Teleflex
Society of Surgical Ergonomics
Surgeon’s Capital Management
Surgical Science – Simbionix Simulators
Suture Ease
Wolters Kluwer
Xpan Inc.
Ziuz Medical Imaging